I am a results-oriented, practical spectator, who is sober in life with humor and perspective and now playfully discovering what life has to offer.

As a theologian trained, I worked for thirty years in very diverse environments as director and manager, but have always found that management is no more than a means to achieve your goals and that you better minimize the time you spend. Avoid means to an end is raised!

In 2015 I stopped working - the role "manager" started getting more pinching -, took a sabbatical and decided that I want to be only concerned with what really has my interest, what inspires me and what I important and / or to like.

What I like to help people achieve their goals within - or outside - the organization where they work. For example, a supervision or coaching role, but I can also walk along some time as interim manager or shade.

That is consistent with what I'm good at: designing concepts; expand broadly; solving problems; people with the right knowledge and skills to gather around me and (complex) bring about changes.

Separately, there are things more fun. Kickboxing example. I do it for a year. I learned playing sports, collecting and distributing. And I now know that you hardly tired, if you find something really nice. Thus I also know that 'know' is not the same as "really know".

Travel is also nice. And important for me, because the way people make sense of what they experience and pursue, fascinates me and inspires. It puts your own existence and security and teaches you that you can always look different.

So I keep traveling, but I've committed to two countries, which I would like to know more and more the last few years, namely Spain and Ghana. In Spain I have a house in the middle of a village on the Mediterranean Sea with my husband. The middle of a village, because we thereby really experience the daily life on the Costa del Sol. Important if you want to know a country.

In Ghana I keep me busy with microcredit and knowledge transfer. I have since seen how devastating development can unpack. That should really different. It is an issue that I have not thought about long and I would like to continue to make a contribution in one way or another.

Importantly, fun and inspiring are my sons. Meanwhile, young adult men. The oldest I became an expert in receiving care. From the second line, as a mother. By premature birth had my oldest countless doctors and other relief workers on his body and face during his life. Providing care that truly meets the needs and wishes of the patient and his or her enlarged autonomy is not self-evident, we noticed in the Netherlands. Another important issue where I can and want to do something with it.

And then theology. I did thirty years ago taken away, but never leave. I sniff it again and think I just try go ahead with it. Religion has been back from road. Or perhaps never left. People shopping in all kinds of religions, but seem to have forgotten to offer Christianity. A typical case of the child and the bath water for me.

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